AG wants surgeon general warnings on social media

Bipartisan coalition of attorneys general call for Congress to require surgeon general warnings on social media platforms By Oregon Attorney General Press Release, In a letter sent to Congress, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, who is also President of the National Association of Attorneys General ( NAAG), joined a broad, bipartisan […]

Forest Health Projects on Fremont-Winema Forest to proceed after court decision

Forest Health Projects on Fremont-Winema National Forest Can Proceed After Ninth Circuit Decision By American Forest Resource Council The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) announced a significant legal victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concerning three critical forest management projects—Baby Bear, Bear Wallow, and South […]

Astoria church celebrates 150 years

By Oregon Faith News Note, Celebrate St. Mary, Star of the Sea 150th Parish Anniversary, Join Archbishop Sample and St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parrish to celebrate the big 150th. Mass begins at 3:00 PM and dinner follows at 5:30 PM.  More here. See also St Mary , Star […]

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